CGSpace Submission Guidelines
This page provides guidelines for content submission to CGSpace.
In this documentation we list metadata and bitstream requirements, provide controlled vocabularies, and share technical information about the CGSpace REST API.
CGSpace currently uses fields from the following three metadata schemas:
General guidelines for metadata submission to CGSpace:
- Encoding: metadata should be encoded in UTF-8 to ensure correct representation of international characters.
- Applicability: metadata should describe what the item is, not what it isn't. If a metadata field is not applicable you should not use it. Do not enter "N/A"!
Definition |
Access rights (required) |
Comments |
Information about who can access the resource or an indication of its security status. May include information regarding access or restrictions based on privacy, security, or other policies. In the CGSpace context this is usually “Open Access” or “Limited Access”. |
Policy |
Controlled, with values from vocabulary. |
Vocabulary |
dcterms-accessRights.txt |
Definition |
Authors (required) |
Comments |
Enter the names of individual or corporate authors of this item (enter each individually). |
Policy |
Free text, with suggested values from vocabulary. |
Vocabulary |
dc-contributor-author.txt |
Definition |
Citation (required) |
Comments |
Recommended practice is to include sufficient bibliographic detail to identify the resource as unambiguously as possible. |
Policy |
Free text. |
Definition |
Date of publication (required) |
Comments |
Date of formal issuance (e.g., publication) of the resource in YYYY-MM-DD format, for example: 2021-09-01. You can omit months or days if they are not known. |
Definition |
Title (required) |
Comments |
Title statement/title proper. |
Policy |
Free text. |
Definition |
Type |
Comments |
The nature or genre of the resource. |
Policy |
Controlled, with values from vocabulary. |
Vocabulary |
dcterms-type.txt |
Definition |
Usage rights (required) |
Comments |
A legal document giving official permission to do something with the resource. Prefer using SPDX License Identifiers, but there are some other generic ones used on CGSpace. |
Policy |
Controlled, with values from vocabulary. |
Vocabulary |
dcterms-license.txt |
These fields are optional, but we strongly suggest that you include as many as you can.
dcterms.abstract |
Definition |
Abstract |
Comments |
A summary of the resource. |
Policy |
Free text. |
dcterms.subject |
Definition |
AGROVOC Keywords |
Comments |
The topic of the resource. Preferably using terms from AGROVOC (in any language). Terms should be entered in lower case. |
Policy |
Free text, with suggested values from vocabulary. |
Vocabulary |
dcterms-subject.txt |
cg.subject.alliancebiovciat |
Definition |
Alliance of Bioversity and CIAT subject |
Comments |
Combined subject terms for Alliance of Bioversity and CIAT. |
Policy |
Controlled, with values from vocabulary. |
Vocabulary |
cg-subject-alliancebiovciat.txt |
cg.species.breed |
Definition |
Animal breed |
Policy |
Free text, with suggested values from vocabulary. |
Vocabulary |
cg-species-breed.txt |
cg.contributor.affiliation |
Definition |
Author affiliations |
Comments |
The full name of the institutions that the contributor(s) work for (enter each individually). Terms should not include acronyms or countries. |
Policy |
Free text, with suggested values from vocabulary. |
Vocabulary |
cg-contributor-affiliation.txt |
cg.creator.identifier |
Definition |
Author ORCID identifiers |
Comments |
ORCID identifier for author(s). Enter one per author. Format should be “Name: 0000-0000-0000-0000” with author name exactly as it appears on |
Policy |
Free text, with suggested values from vocabulary. |
Vocabulary |
cg-creator-identifier.txt |
cg.authorship.types |
Definition |
Authorship types |
Comments |
Characterize the entire authorship based on author affiliations, for example CGIAR single centre, CGIAR multi-centre, CGIAR and developing country institute, etc. |
Policy |
Controlled, with values from vocabulary. |
Vocabulary |
cg-authorship-types.txt |
cg.subject.actionArea |
Definition |
CGIAR Action Areas |
Comments |
Action Areas from the CGIAR 2022–24 Investment Prospectus. |
Policy |
Controlled, with values from vocabulary. |
Vocabulary |
cg-subject-actionArea.txt |
cg.subject.impactArea |
Definition |
CGIAR Impact Areas |
Comments |
Impact Areas from the CGIAR 2022–24 Investment Prospectus. |
Policy |
Controlled, with values from vocabulary. |
Vocabulary |
cg-subject-impactArea.txt |
cg.subject.impactPlatform |
Definition |
CGIAR Impact Platforms |
Comments |
Impact Platforms from the CGIAR 2022–24 Investment Prospectus. |
Policy |
Controlled, with values from vocabulary. |
Vocabulary |
cg-subject-impactPlatform.txt |
cg.contributor.initiative |
Definition |
CGIAR Initiatives |
Comments |
CGIAR Initiatives(s) associated with this item. Use this to show that an Initiative funded this item. |
Policy |
Controlled, with values from vocabulary. |
Vocabulary |
cg-contributor-initiative.txt |
cg.contributor.programAccelerator |
Definition |
CGIAR Programs and Accelerators |
Comments |
CGIAR Program(s) or Accelerator(s) associated with this item. Use this to show that a program or accelerator funded this item. |
Policy |
Controlled, with values from vocabulary. |
Vocabulary |
cg-contributor-programAccelerator.txt |
cg.contributor.crp |
Definition |
CGIAR Research Programs and Platforms (2012–2021) |
Comments |
CGIAR Research Program(s) and Platform(s) with which this research is affiliated. Use this to show that a CRP funded this item. |
Policy |
Controlled, with values from vocabulary. |
Vocabulary |
cg-contributor-crp.txt |
cg.subject.cip |
Definition |
CIP subject |
Policy |
Controlled, with values from vocabulary. |
Vocabulary |
cg-subject-cip.txt | |
Definition |
Country |
Comments |
Country/countries relating to data collection described in the information product. Countries should be in ISO 3166-1 format, with a few of exceptions for stylistic preference. |
Policy |
Controlled, with values from vocabulary. |
Vocabulary |
cg-coverage-country.txt |
dcterms.available |
Definition |
Date of online publication |
Comments |
Date (often a range) that the resource became or will become available. |
cg.identifier.doi |
Definition |
Document Object Identifier (DOI) |
Comments |
DOI for the item in the following URL format: Note that HTTPS is preferred and the older “” format is discouraged. The DOI should be issued by the publisher of the work (for example, not from AgEcon). |
Policy |
Free text. |
cg.edition |
Definition |
Edition |
Comments |
The edition of the item, for example: 3rd, 17th, Revised. |
Policy |
Free text. |
cg.identifier.url |
Definition |
External URL |
Comments |
An official external URL for this item. For example: a link to the website, blog post, dataset, etc itself. Do not enter a DOI here. |
Policy |
Free text. |
cg.howPublished |
Definition |
Grey Literature |
Comments |
How the item was published, if the publishing method is nonstandard. On CGSpace this is usually “Formally Published” or “Grey Literature”. |
Policy |
Controlled, with values from vocabulary. |
Vocabulary |
cg-howPublished.txt |
cg.identifier.publicationRank |
Definition |
IFPRI publication rank |
Comments |
IFPRI publication rank. |
Policy |
Controlled, with values from vocabulary. |
Vocabulary |
cg-identifier-publicationRank.txt |
cg.identifier.iitatheme |
Definition |
IITA research theme |
Policy |
Controlled, with values from vocabulary. |
Vocabulary |
cg-identifier-iitatheme.txt |
cg.subject.iita |
Definition |
IITA subject |
Policy |
Controlled, with values from vocabulary. |
Vocabulary |
cg-subject-iita.txt |
cg.subject.ilri |
Definition |
ILRI subject |
Policy |
Controlled, with values from vocabulary. |
Vocabulary |
cg-subject-ilri.txt |
cg.isbn |
Definition |
Comments |
The ISBN for the item, for example: 978-3-16-148410-0 (the dashes are not necessary, as long as the ISBN is valid). If the item has multiple ISBNs please use multiple fields. Do not enter any other information here. |
Policy |
Free text. |
cg.issn |
Definition |
Comments |
The ISSN for the serial publication where this item appears, for example: 2049-3630. If the item has multiple ISSNs, for example print and online, please use multiple fields. Do not enter any other information like “online” here. |
Policy |
Free text. |
cg.identifier.iwmilibrary |
Definition |
IWMI Library ID |
Comments |
IWMI Library identifier, for example: H049940. |
Policy |
Free text. |
cg.issue |
Definition |
Journal Issue |
Comments |
Enter the issue number of a journal, magazine, or report. For example, if published in PLoS ONE 16(1), the issue number is: 1. |
Policy |
Free text. |
cg.isijournal |
Definition |
Journal Status |
Comments |
Enter “ISI Journal” if the journal is ISI. Do not use this field unless the journal is ISI. |
Policy |
Controlled, with values from vocabulary. |
Vocabulary |
cg-isijournal.txt |
cg.journal |
Definition |
Journal Title |
Comments |
Full journal title. This should be the official, legal name of the journal. Prefer names without leading “a” or “the” where possible. |
Policy |
Free text. |
cg.volume |
Definition |
Journal Volume |
Comments |
The volume of a journal or multi-volume book. For example, if published in PLoS ONE 16(1), the volume is: 16. |
Policy |
Free text. |
dcterms.language |
Definition |
Language |
Comments |
A language of the resource. Terms should be in lower case ISO 639-1 (aka Alpha 2) format, for example: en, sp, sw, am, etc. |
Policy |
Controlled, with values from vocabulary. |
Vocabulary |
dcterms-language.txt |
dcterms.description |
Definition |
Notes |
Comments |
An account of the resource. |
Policy |
Free text. |
dcterms.alternative |
Definition |
Other Titles |
Comments |
An alternative name for the resource. |
Policy |
Free text. |
dcterms.extent |
Definition |
Pagination |
Comments |
The size or duration of the resource, for example “p. 1159-1179” or “47 p.” |
Policy |
Free text. |
cg.identifier.project |
Definition |
Project identifier |
Comments |
Project identifier. |
Policy |
Free text, with suggested values from vocabulary. |
Vocabulary |
cg-identifier-project.txt | |
Definition |
Publication place |
Comments |
The city and country, for example: Nairobi, Kenya. Do not use for journal articles! |
Policy |
Free text. |
dcterms.publisher |
Definition |
Publisher |
Comments |
An entity responsible for making the resource available. |
Policy |
Free text, with suggested values from vocabulary. |
Vocabulary |
dcterms-publisher.txt |
cg.coverage.region |
Definition |
Region |
Comments |
Region where data was collected or the focus of the research described in the information product. Regions are in UN M.49 format. |
Policy |
Controlled, with values from vocabulary. |
Vocabulary |
cg-coverage-region.txt | |
Definition |
Related audio |
Comments |
Enter related audio link (eg an audio about this item). |
Policy |
Free text. | |
Definition |
Related citation |
Comments |
Enter related reference citation (normally a full citation, not a URL). |
Policy |
Free text. |
dcterms.relation |
Definition |
Related link |
Comments |
A related resource. |
Policy |
Free text. | |
Definition |
Related photo |
Comments |
Enter related photo link (eg a photo or image associated with this item). |
Policy |
Free text. | |
Definition |
Related video |
Comments |
Enter related video link (eg a video about this item). |
Policy |
Free text. |
cg.reviewStatus |
Definition |
Review Status |
Comments |
Indicate whether the item has undergone peer or internal review. On CGSpace this is usually “Peer Review” or “Internal Review” if appropriate. |
Policy |
Controlled, with values from vocabulary. |
Vocabulary |
cg-reviewStatus.txt |
cg.river.basin |
Definition |
River basin |
Comments |
Select the focus basin(s). |
Policy |
Controlled, with values from vocabulary. |
Vocabulary |
cg-river-basin.txt |
dcterms.isPartOf |
Definition |
Series/Report Name |
Comments |
A related resource in which the described resource is physically or logically included. |
Policy |
Free text. |
cg.number |
Definition |
Series/Report No. |
Comments |
Series or report number, for example: 200, No.399, February 2003. |
Policy |
Free text. |
cg.species |
Definition |
Species |
Comments |
Scientific name of organism, plant, animal, etc if it is a main focus of the item, for example: Lablab purpureus, Bos Taurus, Orya sativa, Theileria parva. |
Policy |
Free text. |
cg.contributor.donor |
Definition |
Sponsor |
Comments |
Full institution name(s) who sponsored the item. Note: CGIAR Research Program or Platform funding is not identified in this field (use cg.contributor.crp). |
Policy |
Free text, with suggested values from vocabulary. |
Vocabulary |
cg-contributor-donor.txt |
cg.coverage.subregion |
Definition |
Subregion |
Comments |
Province, state, or other type of sub-national administrative region where data was collected or the focus of the research described in the information product. These should ideally come from the ISO 3166-2 subdivisions list. |
Policy |
Free text, with suggested values from vocabulary. |
Vocabulary |
cg-coverage-subregion.txt |
dcterms.audience |
Definition |
Target audience |
Comments |
A class of entity for whom the resource is intended or useful, for example: Scientists, Academics, CGIAR, etc. |
Policy |
Controlled, with values from vocabulary. |
Vocabulary |
dcterms-audience.txt |
cg.subject.sdg |
Definition |
UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) |
Comments |
UN Sustainable Development Goals associated with this item, for example: SDG 1 - No poverty, SDG 2 - Zero hunger. Use one field per SDG if there are more than one. |
Policy |
Controlled, with values from vocabulary. |
Vocabulary |
cg-subject-sdg.txt |
cg.identifier.dataurl |
Definition |
URL for related data file |
Comments |
A URL for any associated data file(s), in a repository for example. |
Policy |
Free text. |
Bitstreams are files that accompany item metadata, for example: PDFs, Word documents, and PowerPoint presentations. Please keep the following advice in mind when submitting bitstreams along with your item metadata:
- File size: keep files under ~35 megabytes. Remember that this is an open access repository and making sure files are accessible to as many people as possible is part of our commitment to FAIR principles.
- Thumbnails: do not upload thumbnails for PDFs. CGSpace automatically generates thumbnails after items are accepted. We prefer to use these because we can regenerate them to higher quality versions in the future as technology gets better.
If you have questions/comments please contact Alan Orth at the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI).